Concours de tatouage
Cela fonctionnera comme la plupart des configurations de concours de convention, ce qui signifie que vous pourrez travailler sur le tatouage de votre choix pendant le week-end de 3 jours.
Cependant, si vous souhaitez participer à un concours, il y aura 10 catégories spécifiques que vous pourrez choisir parmi uneainsi que le meilleur tatouage du jour (vendredi), le meilleur tatouage du jour (samedi) et le meilleur du spectacle (dimanche).
*Nous sommes très heureux d'annoncer également que le vendredi consistera en un CONCOURS INK WARS qui consistera en un thème (bientôt annoncé) qui aura une sensation de type Ink Master, l'artiste étant limité pour créer sa meilleure pièce dans un temps limité. Fenêtre de 6 heures.
Le meilleur de la journée vendredi
à juger et à annoncer au scomment vendredi 17
Le meilleur de la journée samedi
à juger et à annoncer au salon samedi 18ème
Small Colour
This tattoo will need to be in full colour and under the size of an A4 piece of paper otherwise your entry will be removed.
Small Black & Grey
This tattoo will need to be in black and grey with the exception of white highlights and under the size of an A4 piece of paper otherwise your entry will be removed.
Tribal/ Black Work
This tattoo can be as small or as large as you wish to enter, in either black and grey or colour, the only condition is it has a clear representation of the art form, Tribal. Do not mistake this category for dot work, If the judges see otherwise your entry will be removed so please ensure you enter in the correct category to suit the style of your tattoo.
Ornamental/ Dot Work
This one is for those who create awesome shades using sharp line work and/or the technique of dot work in any piece, not just geometric patterns.
This tattoo can be as small or as large as you wish to enter, in either black and grey or colour, the only condition is it has a clear representation of the art form, Ornamental dot work. If the judges see otherwise your entry will be removed so please ensure you enter in the correct category to suit the style of your tattoo.
American Traditional
This tattoo can be as small or as large as you wish to enter, in either black and grey or colour, the only condition is it has a clear representation of the art form, Traditional. If the judges see otherwise your entry will be removed so please ensure you enter in the correct category to suit the style of your tattoo.
Large Black & Grey (Larger than A4)
This tattoo will need to be in black and grey with the exception of white highlights and over the size of an A4 piece of paper otherwise your entry will be removed.
Large Colour (Larger than A4)
This tattoo will need to be in full colour and over the size of an A4 piece of paper otherwise your entry will be removed.
This tattoo can be as small or as large as you wish to enter, in either black and grey or colour, the only condition is it has a clear representation of the art form, Realistic. If the judges see otherwise your entry will be removed so please ensure you enter in the correct category to suit the style of your tattoo.
Oriental Japanese
This tattoo can be as small or as large as you wish to enter, in either black and grey or colour, the only condition is it has a clear representation of the art form, Oriental Japanese. If the judges see otherwise your entry will be removed so please ensure you enter in the correct category to suit the style of your tattoo.
Best Collaboration
This tattoo can be as small or as large as you wish to enter, in either black and grey or colour, the only condition is it has a collaboration from two or more artists. If the judges see otherwise your entry will be removed.
Catégories et amp; Le meilleur du spectacle
à juger et à annoncer au salon dimanche 19